Thursday 9 January 2014

Things are looking up!!

FINALLY! A good night.

I must say that even though yesterday was a tough day, yesterday afternoon and evening definitely made up for it.

First of all, I came home to a beautiful bouquet of flowers bought by my amazing hubby RJ. He is just the best. He knows how to put a smile on my face. It's funny but I really appreciate the old fashion romantic things that guys can do for girls. Warms my heart.

Then he made supper (without complaining). And it was amazing. I'm still pumping so I am always hungry. 

CJ and I were busy at a play date all afternoon so I didn't have time to get supper ready. The play date really helped put me in a better mood as well. Just to get out of the house, has a tremendous effect on my mental health. It keeps up busy, keeps CJ stimulated and makes the day fly by. I cannot believe it is already Thursday!!

After supper, our little turkey went down like a charm. He obviously was tired from the afternoon play date and the fact that his naps were not overly long probably plays an effect on that too. He went down without a fuss.

Once our little baby boy was put down to sleep, it was finally ME time!!!

I took a few seconds to relax ... and then it was workout time! I've been following a 6 week program by the Tone it up girls. If you haven't heard about them yet you can check them out here ... I just love their workouts. They are easy to follow and always include a variety of interval training options for cardio which helps mix things up. 

Once workout was complete, I showered. I see this as it was something of significance. A shower truly is now. I never thought I would value shower time as  much as I do now. I even washed my hair. It was heavenly. During the day, it is next to impossible to shower. It was easier to do so when CJ would enjoy sitting in his little chair while he watched me but now he wants to be on the 'go' constantly. 

After my shower, I snuck downstairs to retrieve the baby monitor from the mister and we ended up hanging and watching The People's Choice Awards. Holy Cow - DATE NIGHT!!!!! A day that started off in shambles ended with perfection.

Lovely flowers, supper, workout, shower and unexpected date night! 


Baby update on sleep last night. 

My sleep training method is as follows: 

1) Wait a few minutes to ensure he truly needs you. In the past, I have been known to always rush right in to help and in the end this only wakes him up even more.

2) Go in for a minute to reassure for 1 minute but NOT pick up. Rub his back or tummy while saying that you love him and are there for him but remember whatever you do, do not pick him up.

3) Leave for a minute and then repeat. Lengthen the time you leave him each time - 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes etc. 

Luckily it only takes 1-2 times before little CJ has to fall back asleep thank goodness. I have a hard time listening to the little fella cry but I know it's for the best as I'm teaching him how to sleep on his own. 

He needed help at 11pm and 3am. 

Wake time = 5:30 am. !!!!!!!!! When he can wake up anytime between 3-5, I'm golden. It's when he wakes up the other times that kills me. 

Now 5:30 is a bit early to be waking up for the day but I'll take it. I'm thinking if we maybe push back his last bottle by 30 minutes this might bump up to 6am which I don't mind. It is still early but if CJ can sleep from 7pm - 6am - I WOULD LOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE IT!!!!! 

It always seems so close in reach and then something happens to completely throw us off. I'm really hoping that this continues and then at night he will learn to self soothe and I won't have to go in at 11pm and 3am to help him. He's such a smart little baby so I'm sure it won't take long. 

This morning he went down for nap at 8:17am and is still sleeping. 


I heard him stir and left him to self soothe and voila ... sleeping baby. Of course I am on my computer as opposed to getting things done as I should be but I am really enjoying this outlet. I know I don't have any readers yet but hoping you will eventually come. 

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